If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident and you were hurt, the insurance companies will more than likely try to get you to settle your case. They will make you believe you should settle for the amount offered to you. However, when you retain an attorney, your rights are better protected and we will do all we can to ensure that your medical expenses are covered by any settlement amount we accept on your behalf with your consent.
Your own insurance company may cover some of your expenses, but presumably not all of them and you may need to seek their assistance in order to obtain it. We can help you get the money you need from both your insurance company as well as the other driver’s insurance.
If you have been hurt, then come meet with one of our attorneys today, do not delay to see if you get better. The sooner you meet with an attorney, the sooner your financial needs can be taken care of.
Call the local attorney firm of Rooney & Rooney today to schedule your initial consultation. When you schedule your initial consultation with Rooney and Rooney you will always meet with a partner. Call us today at (772) 778 5400.