Five things to think about when considering a divorce
Why did you get married in the first place?
Did you get married out of love, money, or convenience? There are unlimited reasons as to why couples get married, but if you have ever felt that you “settled” for the person you married, try to think back to the beginning, where the first initial spark started, is it still there? Can the flame be re-ignited?
Are the standards set too high?
In today’s world, it is easy to get swept up in work, social lives, and finances, but expecting one to be able to maintain a full-time job, dropping off the kids at soccer practice, cooking a five-course meal, and then making sure the house is maintained perfectly, is a little much to expect from one single person. By the same token, expecting to never have to contribute financially to the relationship is also unrealistic for most couples. The keyword here is compromise. Can you and your spouse come to a compromise?
Is there any way I can make this work? Have I given it my all?
There are many things that can be done before filing for divorce. One thing you might consider is whether you have tried everything to bring the marriage back on track. A marriage is not salvaged over night. It will take time and reassurance from your spouse that you both are taking a step in the right direction to save the marriage. Counseling can help if both parties are willing to let go of the being right point of view. Being right is not always the best end game, being happy is.
4. Who is this marriage for? Is the other spouse more interested and invested?
A marriage is meant for two people, not just one. If you feel that you are more emotionally invested in the marriage, talk to your spouse. Not everyone is good at expressing their emotions verbally. There might be things going on in their life that is keeping them from giving you the attention and time that you want.
5. Are there issues of Abuse and control?
If your spouse is physically, mentally, or verbally abusive, it is be time to confide in a close friend or family member. Abuse is never acceptable even if done by someone who is suppose to love and care for you.
- If you are questioning your marriage and how to precede with a divorce, please contact us at Rooney & Rooney, P.A. and we will be happy to schedule you a free consultation with one of our attorneys.